Cockroaches can be some of the most difficult pests to get rid of, and not only that, they can be one of the most dangerous as well. Cockroaches in Maine are becoming more and more of an issue. Some people believe that you have to have a messy home to invite the pests into your space, but unfortunately, they like to congregate anywhere humans are. Regardless of the cleanliness of your home, you may be at risk of an infestation. That’s why Green Shield Pest Solutions is here to make sure you are aware of the signs of cockroaches to be on the lookout for cockroaches in your Maine home.
Maine Cockroaches
The most common type of cockroach in Maine is the American Cockroach. They are the largest common cockroach species, and can get up to 1 ½ to 2 inches long. They are a reddish-brown color and have long wings that span the entirety of their back, otherwise known as their abdomen. They have two long antennae that spring from their head and six legs, three on each side. The other common type of cockroach in Maine is the German cockroach. Measuring at just over a half inch long, they are known to be tan in color with two dark parallel stripes that run down the length of their back. These cockroaches have wings as well as six legs. Maine cockroaches tend to hang out in dark, moist, and warm places. Some common places to find them are around bathtubs, laundry hampers, drains, and often underneath the metal covers over sump pumps.

Cockroach Eggs
Maine Cockroaches have 3 stages of development: egg, nymph, and adult. Cockroach eggs are laid in dark brown shells that measure to be about 5/16 inch long. Picture a small brown shape that is often mistaken for mouse droppings or specs of dirt. They will be in a grouping of eggs ranging from 13-40 in number, they are usually found by a food source or in a protected area. Once the eggs are laid, they take from 30-60 days to hatch. Meaning if one female lays eggs in your home and you’ve already got an infestation waiting to happen. That’s why you should always be on the lookout for any egg capsules. If you do find cockroach eggs, be sure to give us a call for a full inspection. Where there’s one cockroach, there will surely be more later.
Cockroach Poop
Another easy way to identify Maine cockroaches is by the excrement. A small cockroach like the German cockroach may leave behind small droppings that resemble coffee grounds or pepper, while a larger cockroach like the American cockroach leaves longer cylindrical shaped droppings with a blunt end. They can look very similar to cockroach eggs as well as mouse droppings. The difference between mouse droppings and cockroach droppings is that mouse feces have pointed ends and are usually more withered looking. The danger behind cockroach poop comes from where the cockroach has been. They are not picky when it comes to where they find their food whether it be in your garbage, roadkill, sewage pipes, etc. When they eat from those areas and waltz into your home and walk through your cabinets, pantries, and drawers, they spread whatever diseases they have come into contact with. And unfortunately, it spreads to those living in the home.

Signs of Cockroach Infestation
Some specific warning signs of cockroach infestations include new allergy symptoms, strange smells, odd smears, droppings, egg cases, signs of food contamination, and lastly seeing the insects themselves. When cockroaches decide to move into your home, you may notice your allergies acting up, that is because some people are allergic to their feces or exoskeletons. You may also notice strange smells. Everyone’s house smells differently, but you know your own smell. When your nose is telling you something is off, specifically if it smells like a moist or musty smell, you may have cockroaches.
Another sign of cockroaches is the smears they leave behind. When crawling around places, cockroaches will sometimes leave streaks that appear as food stains. If you find they are proving to be extremely difficult to get off, it might be a bigger issue than food. And then as said earlier, seeing their eggs or excrement is always a sure sign of a cockroach issue. If you also notice that bags in your pantry or cabinets have been chewed through, that is another sign that you may be sharing a space with the little pests. And lastly if you see any cockroaches dead or alive, we recommend calling in a professional. The sooner you get a handle on the problem, the easier it is to treat, and the sooner you can have peace of mind while living in your home.
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